
The Bali Regional Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Hold Government Internal Control System Workshop (SPIP)


The Bali Regional Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Hold Government Internal Control System Workshop (SPIP)

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NASIONALXPOS.CO.ID, DENPASAR —To provide adequate confidence for the achievement of effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the goals of state administration, the Bali Regional Office of  Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) held a Workshop on Government Internal Control System (SPIP) within the Bali Regional Office of Ministry of Law and Human Rights, located in the Dharmawangsa Room. Puputan highway Niti Mandala Renon, Denpasar. Tuesday, (14/02/2023).

The activity was attended by Primary High Leaders, Administrative Officers and Supervisors from the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, resource persons from the Bali Province Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), and socialization participants from the Regional Office and Technical Implementation Unit (UPT).

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The activity began with a report on the implementation of activities by the Head of the Program and Public Relations Section, I Wayan Muliarta, who said that, this activity aimed to increase knowledge and understanding of SPIP, so that it could optimize the implementation of SPIP within the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Humand Rights.

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The event continued with remarks from the Head of BPKP Bali Province Representative, represented by the Coordinator of Supervision for Central Government Agencies, Heri Setiawan who said that, SPIP as internal control consisting of risk management and corruption control is a reference in carrying out overall SPIP improvements.

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The speech by the Head of the Regional Office as well as officially opening the activity was represented by the Head of the Administration Division, Mamur Saputra who conveyed that, there are 4 cores of implementing the Government Internal Control System, namely, effective and efficient activities, reliability of financial reporting, safeguarding State assets, and compliance with legislation .

“SPIP is an early warning or preventive effort against the possibility of future problems in order to create effective, efficient and accountable government administration so that Good Governance and Clean Governance are realized,” said Mamur.

The activity continued with the presentation of material by resource persons from BPKP Bali Province, namely SPIP implementation by, Yosephin Ambarwati, SPIP assessment by, Ni Made Lencari, and also simulation and reporting by Ni Wayan Wiwin Intan Wintari, with moderator Head of Public Relations, RB and IT subdivision, I Nengah Sukadana. (Uchan)

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