
Ujung Pandang Sub-District, Conducts Development Planning Meeting at the Horison Makassar Hotel


Ujung Pandang Sub-District, Conducts Development Planning Meeting at the Horison Makassar Hotel

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The Makassar City Government held the 2023-2024 Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang) at the sub-district level at the Horison Makassar hotel, General Sudirman street, number 24, Sawerigading, Ujung Pandang sub-district, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Monday, (30/1/2023).

Ujung Pandang sub-District, Makassar City carried out the Musrenbang activities which are included in the 2023 Agenda, which aims to compile main ideas, which are then translated into strategic programs Makassar City, in the future.

The Musrenbang event was carried out by the Ujung Pandang sub-District at the Horison hotel, where the event was opened by the Head of the Ujung Pandang Sub-district Syahrial Syamsuri, who was attended directly by the Head of the Makassar City Bappeda Helmy Budiman, in his remarks Helmy Budiman explained to Head of Ujung Pandang sub-district Syahrial Syamsuri, and his staff, all village heads and LPM of Ujung Pandang sub-district who are present at this Musrenbang, must be a strategic momentum in preparing strategic programs that really depart from the problems of residents around the area Ujung Pandang district.

“We hope that, what we are compiling will really be a priority so that the programs that are being pushed will be able to answer the needs of Makassar city residents,” he explained.

The Musrenbang of Ujung Pandang Subdistrict which was held at the Horison Hotel was filled with, various elements of government, both from the Legislature, Sub-District Head, Village Chief and their staff, as well as community leaders, youth, religion, and others.

This Musrenbang gave birth to important points including discussing the results of the Musrenbang in all sub-districts of Ujung Pandang sub-district, and setting priorities for development activities in the Ujungpandang sub-district area. In addition, in this Musrenbang, all participants clarified and verified priority activities in Ujung Pandang sub-district.

Finally, the policy for the village musrenbang is a sectoral proposal of Rp. 500 million with details namely a proposal for village funds of Rp. 400 million, Rp. 50 million for handling stunting and Rp. 50 million for sudden handling.

Until now, the sub-district level Musrenbang has been held in three sub-districts, namely Makassar District, Rappocini District, and Ujung Pandang District. Of the total 15 sub-districts in Makassar City, there are currently 12 remaining sub-districts that have not yet implemented the 2023 Musrenbang. (red/uchan)

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